Entrepreneurship education as a new paradigm for tackling unemployment: a spotlight on the OTM programme

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Sympathy Ogechukwu Arikwadu
Ozoemenam Nwanneka
C. N. Leka


The fear of unemployment seems to be 'beginning of wisdom' as it were in Nigeria. Various government policies aimed at alleviating unemployment in the past have made little impact. However, the current policy of entrepreneurship education at all levels and with no regard to programme of study seems to have come to the rescue, especially as practical skills have been included. This paper discusses this trend as a new paradigm to fight this monster, unemployment. It also stresses how the OTM programme by virtue of the rich ICT component is poised to reduce the unemployment queues. The authors then partly recommended amongst others, that the government should invest in EED/Vocational Centres and business incubation centres and parks to assist new and fledgling entrepreneurs.

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How to Cite
Arikwadu, S. O., Nwanneka, O., & Leka, C. N. (2015). Entrepreneurship education as a new paradigm for tackling unemployment: a spotlight on the OTM programme. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 23(1), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.69984/jopsoa.v23i1.9