The career success of secretarial staff in Nigeria labour market
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The study aimed at examining the areas of capacity building needed for secretaries that could help to boost their career success in modern offices in Delta State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Three research questions were raised. A convenience sampling technique was employed to select a sample size of 50 graduate secretaries as all the respondents could not be found in one particular area. To gather the necessary data for the study, a self structured questionnaire was designed and administered on the sample. The data generated were analysed using mean with standard deviation. The findings from the research questions indicate that ICT skills should be incorporated into secretarial training in tertiary institutions, decision making skills should be incorporated into Secretarial Training curriculum and training on international business should be incorporated into secretarial training programme. Based on the findings, it was recommended that ICT skills should be in corporation into secretarial training in tertiary institutions, the curriculum time could be maintained, Secretaries' competency in the area of connectivity, interaction, data manipulation, presentation and exchange should be the objective of the delivery of ICT courses in tertiary institutions and training on international business should be incorporated into secretarial training programme.