Harnessing the power of communication and technological advancement through the secretarial profession

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Abraham Ndake Nmodu


This paper explores how the power of technological advancement, if harnessed can bring about development in the secretarial profession and improve performance. The profession has moved from the secretarial traditional orientation to the innovative one. The paper extols the role of computer technology, for example, internet for effective business communication and the objectives of the offices as a means of communication and change for the well being of the secretaries in organizations and the society. It concludes on how competent the secretarial professionals will look after acquisition of the new technology and the tremendous improvements it has brought to the secretarial professionals with the power to function effectively.

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How to Cite
Nmodu, A. N. (2013). Harnessing the power of communication and technological advancement through the secretarial profession. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 21(1), 134–143. https://doi.org/10.69984/jopsoa.v21i1.47