Editorial Policies

All submitted manuscripts are sent to experienced assessors for assessment and assessment outcome will be communicated to authors within three (3) weeks of submission. The Journal adheres to a double-blind process in which the identity of both the assessor and author are concealed from both parties. Manuscripts may be accepted subject to minor or moderate corrections or declined based on the informed decision of the assessors and editors. 

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically through the journal system or sent to submissions@jopsoa.org. Submissions are to be accompanied with an assessment fee of three thousand five hundred naira (#3,500) only

Upon acceptance, authors will be required to resubmit the corrected copy of the manuscript via apssonnatsec2017@gmail.com as well as pay a publication fee of (#15,000) only using the bank details below:

Account Name: APSSON

Account Number: 1020222225

Bank Name: United Bank for Africa


First Bank Plc: 2002955263

Notes to contributors

Papers to be submitted must not have been sent for consideration in any other journal or previously published.

  • Articles to be submitted should be original works of the author(s).
  • Articles should not be longer than 15 pages including references.
  • Articles should contain abstract of not more than 250 words. Key words are to be provided at the end of the abstract.
  • The font of body text should be Times New Roman, Size 12, Line spacing should be 1.5.
  • Authors are to include names, institutional affiliation and functional e-mail address and telephone number.
  • Referencing should be done using APA 7th
  • Figures, charts and diagrams should integrate within the text.

Areas of concentration

  1. Re-defining the Secretarial role in the Organizational Change process
  2. Role of technological Innovation in Enhancing Service Delivery of Secretarial Professionals
  3. Managing information and communications in the era of emerging technologies
  4. Human Capital Development and the Changing Landscape of Secretarial Services in Digital Business Environment
  5. Problems and Prospect of CIPSSON for Achieving its Mandates in Secretarial Profession
  6. Prevailing S-W-O-T analysis of the secretarial profession in contemporary times
  7. Strategies for thriving and Sustainability in the face of emerging office challenges
  8. Secretarial Profession in Nigeria: Evolution and Development Trends
  9. Secretarial Profession and Training needs for 21st Century Digital Work Environment
  10. Strategies for Coping with Changing Work Style of the Secretary as a Result of Technological Advancement