The essence of relationship in the workplace

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Jimoh Ango Rafiu


This paper takes a bird eye's view on the value of relationship in the workplace and emphasizes the need for a better relationship between employees and management. It also exposes the fact about human relationship as a process of training employees or between employees and management. This is with the aim of having a high level understanding of some of the ways human relation can impact the cost, competitiveness, and long-term economic sustainability of the nation through the secretarial administration professionals toward nation building. The methodology employed for this study is purely documentary in nature. Information was gathered through literature search of related sources on values of human relation to organizational settings. The study uncovered that human relations in the work place are a major part of what makes the business of an organisation to thrive, hence, the secretarial practitioners are admonished to frequently work together on projects,
communicate ideas and provide motivation to get things done. The study also concluded that without a stable and inviting workplace culture, difficult challenges can arise both in the logistics of managing employees and in the bottom line. The study recommended that good work relationship is the only panacea to achieving professional reputation within an organisation. It allows workers to broaden their network of both personal and professional friends and contacts which is the key to a successful career management.

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How to Cite
Rafiu, J. A. (2014). The essence of relationship in the workplace. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 22(1), 144–154.