Current issues and best practices in secretarial profession

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Adamu Idris


As technology continues to expand in offices across the world, the role of office professional has greatly evolved. This paper will therefore be presenting current issues and best practices in the Secretarial Profession as office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries and administrative assistants to assume a wider range of new responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff. Secretaries are aided in these tasks by a variety of office equipment, such as facsimile machines, computers, scanners, printers, photocopiers, and telephone systems. Best practice is required therefore to maintain quality as an alternative to mandatory Secretarial Profession standards and can be based on self-assessment or benchmarking.

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How to Cite
Idris, A. (2013). Current issues and best practices in secretarial profession. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 21(1), 157–166.