Harnessing the power of technology through secretarial profession

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The advancement of technology has had an enormous impact in the world. Computer communication technology in particular has drastically changed the way society operates with new revolution in communication being developed. Instantly, people are becoming more and more reliant on the benefits they derived through information and communication technology which has become significantly important in the realms of education, business, politics, professionalism, interpersonal and crisis responses. Secretarial profession is not an exception of global technological trend. This research shown that the use of computer technology and with it internet communication is of great importance in the secretarial profession. A secretary, who is not abreast with this technological trend, is redundantly kept aside, because of his/her irrelevance in the global suit. There is no where a secretarial profession who is a novice to the computer technology, would flow with the terms and operations of the computers. The research shows that technology has drastically altered the field of communication. With advances in e-mail, instant messaging, chat and moderate forums, secretaries have increased in knowledge and create options when it comes to preparation of data and correspondence. E-mail and instant messaging have given the secretaries the ability to contact information online at any time. This paper discusses how technological advancement can be used for effective service delivery through the automated machines in the modern office today. Finally, recommendations are made towards the usage of ICT and other internet communications to enable the secretaries for more effective delivery of services in all levels of governance.

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How to Cite
OLOWU, T. (2013). Harnessing the power of technology through secretarial profession. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 21(1), 115–121. https://doi.org/10.69984/jopsoa.v21i1.45

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