The role of professional secretaries in promoting Nigeria's transformation agenda

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Adamu Ibrahim


One of the universally established scientific historical facts is that human resource is the most critical factor or key driver in nation building. For it determines the nature, character, tempo and direction of development of every society. The professional secretaries as integral component of the labour force that occupies central position in every organization has significant role to play in promoting the new policy drive of government anchored on the Transformation Agenda towards national development of the Nigerian Economy. Specifically, the potency, currency and relevance of office managers or secretaries in shaping the operational and administrative structure and efficiency of both public and private organizations/institutions are generally acknowledged by researchers and policy makers. Therefore, this paper highlights the functional roles of professional secretaries in the transformation process, identifies some operational challenges and provides suggestions in promoting the efficiency of secretarial profession in modern technologically driven work environment propelled by current trends in office automation, computerization and general information and communication technological revolution.

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How to Cite
Ibrahim, A. (2013). The role of professional secretaries in promoting Nigeria’s transformation agenda. Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators, 21(1), 33–48.